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Paper information

Dynamic patterns in the small-signal behavior of power systems with wind power generation

L. Rouco

Energies Vol. 17, nº. 7, pp. 1784-1 - 1784-21

Original summary:

This paper investigates the dynamic patterns in the small-signal behavior of power systems with wind power generation. The interactions between synchronous generators and wind generators are investigated. In addition, the impact of increased wind generation penetration on the damping and frequency of the synchronous generator’s electromechanical oscillations is addressed. Wind generators of three different technologies are considered throughout this study. Very detailed dynamic models of wind generators are used and detailed.

English summary:

This paper investigates the dynamic patterns in the small-signal behavior of power systems with wind power generation. The interactions between synchronous generators and wind generators are investigated. In addition, the impact of increased wind generation penetration on the damping and frequency of the synchronous generator’s electromechanical oscillations is addressed. Wind generators of three different technologies are considered throughout this study. Very detailed dynamic models of wind generators are used and detailed.

Keywords: dynamic patterns; wind power generators; synchronous generators; small-signal stability; electromechanical oscillations

JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 3,200 - Q3 (2022)

DOI reference: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.3390/en17071784

Published on paper: April 2024.

Published on-line: April 2024.

L. Rouco, Dynamic patterns in the small-signal behavior of power systems with wind power generation. Energies. Vol. 17, nº. 7, pp. 1784-1 - 1784-21, April 2024. [Online: April 2024]